Thursday, February 27, 2020

The Contribution of Academic Research to Accounting and Financial Essay

The Contribution of Academic Research to Accounting and Financial Regulation - Essay Example 1). Despite the contribution of academic research in advancing theory, however, Coetsee (2010, p. 1) pointed out that no comprehensive theory in accounting has emerged. I have used only accounting journals except one which is a journal in management. I believe that the definitions of â€Å"accounting† and â€Å"financial regulation† in the journals have the same standard and the definitions are basically common in the profession. There can significant variations, however, in the area of financial regulation as the definitions can reflect theories on how financial regulation can best be implemented. In any case, the specific definition of accounting and financial regulation follows what the author or authors have used in their works. Some of the authors do not even have a definition of â€Å"accounting† and â€Å"financial regulation†, perhaps as a tacit assumption that there is a usual definition of the concepts in the accounting journals anyway. ... 273). Academic research is usually associated with research that is undertaken for its own sake, something done for the advancement of knowledge. It is different from the other kind of research which is usually described as policy-oriented. Academic research is usually found in journals while policy institutes, government, financial regulators, and consultancy groups usually undertake policy research. Although academic research is usually described as theory-oriented, in accounting it seems difficult to separate the theory part and the parts that are relevant for corporate governance. Baker and Barbu credited the academic community for improving rigor and theoretical underpinning in their research and the said factors contributed a lot in the major step in the harmonization of accounting standards in Europe (Baker and Barbu 2007, p. 273). Between 1965 to 2004, the academic community had an increasing output of academic research related to the international harmonization of financial standards (Baker and Barbu 2007, p. 276). However, the idea of creating a conceptual framework to facilitate accounting harmonization was introduced much earlier or in the 1940s (Baker and Barbu 2007, p. 280). In the 1980s, an important role played by accounting academic research is that the research pointed out that cultural and economic factors play important roles in shaping differences in accounting practices by countries (Baker and Barbu 2007, p. 280-281). Another sub-theme that had been prominent during the 1980s is the role played by history in shaping the accounting practices adopted by countries (Baker and Barbu 2007, p. 281). During the mid-1990s, the arguments towards accounting uniformity played an

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Reflective for personal worldview Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Reflective for personal worldview - Assignment Example The world remains subjective to human beings, hence, the need for human to always have an objective in life. It is also evident that human beings are controlled by what most of them consider being inexorable laws. This keeps humans on toes to always know that each of their deeds have an effect which could be either ruin or make them. This can easily be related to the Biblical views of many individuals in the world. Yes, I am able to perceive different world views in family, friends, acquaintances and most importantly, fellow students both in my country and Canada. All these different individuals have different views on the seven basic questions that Sire uses to explore his views on the book, The Universe Next Door. Sire’s categories fit especially into my personal experiences and critically others individuals too. The world view attempts to infiltrate the main Christian beliefs and even go to the extent of opposing Biblical worldview. This has continuously created war between the hearts and minds of the humans. Lack of self awareness of the media, friends and family has contributed greatly to the different