Sunday, December 29, 2019

Cases study for constitution Essays - 1064 Words

[1977] 2 MLJ 187 LOH KOOI CHOON v GOVERNMENT OF MALAYSIA In this case the appellant had been arrested and detained under a warrant issued under the provisions of the Restricted Residence Enactment. The appellant had not been produced before a Magistrate within twenty-four hours of his arrest. He claimed damages but it was held that no action could be brought against the police officer as he was acting in compliance with a warrant issued by a competent authority. The appellant appealed but before the appeal was heard the Federal Constitution was amended by Act A354/76 which provided in effect that Article 5(4) of the Constitution shall not apply to the arrest or detention of any person under the existing law relating to restricted†¦show more content†¦It was argued in this case that the Enactment has no provision: (i) for informing the person concerned of the grounds of his arrest and detention; (ii) for presenting him before a magistrate or for an enquiry at which the detained person could meet the allegations against him; (iii ) for review; (iv) for limitation of the period of detention. Because of these reasons it was submitted that the provisions of the Enactment were inconsistent [*31] with the provisions of articles 5 and 9 of the Constitution [1979] 2 MLJ 33 GOVERNMENT OF MALAYSIA ORS v LOH WAI KONG TheShow MoreRelatedShould The Constitution Be Ratified For The Future?978 Words   |  4 PagesThroughout American history the constitution has been the framework for democracy. Written in 1787, the constitution was a great conception for the thirteen colonies. Now two-hundred and twenty-eight years later the United States is not a county of freedom fighting European-Americans. In this diverse and modern society concerns have come to surface as to whether the constitution should be ratified for the future to come. Ratifying the constitution sounds like a good notion, but is nearly impossibleRead MoreEssay The Australian Constitution1395 Words   |  6 PagesThe Australian Constitution The founding fathers of Australia could never have predicted the society that was to come. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

Literature Review Influencer Marketing - 1434 Words

LITERATURE REVIEW : INFLUENCER MARKETING INTRODUCTION Influencer marketing has emerged as one of the fastest-growing social marketing practices as brand marketers look to connect with consumers and customers in meaningful and authentic ways often through the collective voice of active bloggers that are passionate and vocal about the brands they love. It represents a form of Word of Mouth marketing, which we define as an unpaid form of promotion – oral or written- in which satisfied consumers tell other people how much they like a product, service, business or event. Marsden (2005) says that research shows that word of mouth (WoM) is at least twice as powerful as traditional marketing communications in influencing sales, and given the†¦show more content†¦A similar figure is reported from the US where according to the Keller Fay Group 73% of marketing-related conversations take place in person, and only 10% happen online. So, the focus of your WoM or influencer marketing strategy should be face-to-face (mouth not mouse), rather than mouse-to-mouse communication Central to most strategies designed to amplify WoM is the notion of influencers, which put simply means targeting those who have the greatest viral impact rather than engaging the masses. However, the theory that there are influencers that have disproportionate impact is not universally accepted, as we shall discuss later. The Word of Mouth Marketing Association defines an influencer as a person who has a greater than average reach or impact through word of mouth in a relevant marketplace. Malcolm Gladwell, a New York Times journalist and the author of â€Å"The Tipping Point†, first stressed the importance of the so-called â€Å"influentials†. He categorises influentials into three different categories: 1. Connectors are the people who link us to the rest of the world 2. Mavens are the information specialists who accumulate and share knowledge 3. Salesmen are the â€Å"persuaders† who possess the powerful negotiation skills Keller and Berry in their book â€Å"The Influentials† categorise influencers by reference to the nature of their influence: 1.Show MoreRelatedThe Impact Of Internet On Computer And Communication World1531 Words   |  7 Pageswebsites, which also means that users are able to interact more freely with other users. Whereas Web 1.0 is just a static information dump where users can only read the contents provided on the websites and not given the opportunity to post comments and reviews (WittyCookie 2012). Currently, the Internet is undergoing a phased adoption of Web 3.0, which adds computer-to-computer interaction so that computers can interpret information more intelligently to produce content that are tailored to the user’s needsRead MoreThe Cosmetic Industry Of Thailand1208 Words   |  5 Pagesindustry is one of the biggest industries in Thailand. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

American shipbuilding World War II Free Essays

World war II was a global military conflict fought in every one of the five continents and involving combatants from every continental region. Fought in two phases, the first phase involved Asia in 1937 and also known as Sino Japenese war. The second phase began in Eupore in 1939 with Germany voilating the treaties and by being aggressive, without any previous declaration invaded poland. We will write a custom essay sample on American shipbuilding World War II or any similar topic only for you Order Now The globe was divided into two military alliance: the allies and the Axis powers. Allies primarily were formed by the union of United Kingdom and France, whereas the Germany, Japan and Italy dominted axis powers. World War II involved over 100 million military personnel, making it the most widespread war in history, and placed the participants in a state of total war, erasing the distinction between civil and military resources. This resulted in the complete exhaustion of a nation’s economic, industrial, and scientific capabilities for the purposes. Tension cretaed due to great depression that swept the world in early 1930s sharpened national rivalries, increased fear and distrust and made masses susceptible to the promises of demagogues. Also the condition created by post world war I settlement, led to the this global military conflict of world war II. After world war I, defeated germany and ambitious Japan and Italy anxious to increase their power, eventually adopted forms of dictaorship. In Gemany the National socialist Adolf Hitler began a rearming campaign on a massive scale and in mid 1937 and following a marco Bridge incident Japan invaded China. Some tolerance was shown to these invasions as they were of anti communist nature but soon entering of Soviet to aid China marked the division of the global scenario. America in world war II Through the global turmoil for the power and series of conqest,United states chose to be a isolationist and passed neutrality act in August 1933, a dyanamic impulse to stay aloof from all Europeon politics . But in November 1939, the American neutrality act was amended to allow cash and carry, to support Allies. United stated, to protect and aid china, implemented a series of embargos, including oil, iron, steel and mechanical parts, against Japan. The Tripartite pact between the Axis powers served as a warning to United States of the consequences resulting in war if it continued extending help to the allied power. But regardless of the pact, the United States continued to support Britain and China, further, by introducing the lend-lease policy and creating a security zone spanning roughly half of the Atlantic Ocean, where the United States navy protected British Convoys. Though attacks on America were rare by the Axis power, but ultimately, it was attack on pearl harbour in 1941 that drew United States into direct war . In later years of 1942 Japan repeatedly attacked America in wars of Aleutian Islands and fort Stevens attack. America- Japan relations Attack on china, led Japan into series of trouble when the move prompted America embargo on oil exports to Japan, which in turn caused the Japanese to plan the takeover of oil supplies of Dutch east India. The attack on the Pearl Harbor was a surprise attack of Japan against the United States naval base on December 7; 1941, also called â€Å"a day of infamy† by President Roosevelt . The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, dramatically heralded the new age of naval combat, divided into two phases, the first attack wave targets airfields and battleships. The second wave targets other ships and shipyard facilities. It was intended as a preventive action to remove US pacific fleet that was involved in protection of British Convoys and Dutch East India, and also to wage war against United States. Both the U. S. and Japan had long-standing contingency plans for war in the Pacific, continuously updated as tension between the two countries steadily increased during the 1930s. Though numerous sanctions were imposed on Japan as a result of steadily growing tension, and America under the export control act halted the shipments of machine tools, high octane gasoline to japan, but the oil export was continued to japan in early pre war years to resist undue provocation. Assets were to be frozen till Indochina was declared as neutral. The Japanese high command was certain, though mistakenly so that an attack on the United Kingdom’s colonies would bring the U. S. into the war. So a preventive strike appeared to be the only way to avoid US interference in the Pacific. . With the Pacific cleansed of American ships, Japan would have an unchallenged defensive perimeter, stretching from the North Pacific through mid-ocean to the South Pacific. The attack wrecked two US Navy battleships, destroyed several aircrafts, and US suffered huge personnel losses though the, Vital fuel storage, shipyard, maintenance, were not raided. The japanese suffered minimal losses in artiliary and personnels. While it accomplished the intended objective, the attack was pointless. US Navy The new Navy 1890-1909 A crucial date in the reconstitution of U. S. naval shipyards is 1890 . From about 1850, American shipping and shipbuilding rose from a position of superiority to near international significance. Until the late 1880s the United States possessed no modern warships, and the technological gap widened, where European progress was rapid with the assembly of armor plate, guns, torpedoes, high-speed propulsion systems, and steel hulls. By 1890 American shipyards lagged far behind their European counterparts in techniques and in speed of construction. Progress started in year 1885 with the funding of â€Å"new navy†. Warships of the new American navy built between 1890 and 1909 were steel hulled, purpose-built for steam power, and substantially more complicated than their predecessors. In its first thirty years, armored ships dominated new American naval construction. Between 1910 and 1929 a much wider range of warships was built. Battleships still dominated tonnage figures, and the pace for construction of new ships steadily increased. Both the number and the size of these ships amplified, in the competition to build better warfare compared to European powers, also called â€Å"dreadnoughts fever†. Shipbuilding in World War II World War II saw the U. S. Navy emerge as the world’s largest naval force, a commanding role that would be maintained for the next fifty years. Hallmarks of the two decades included an intensified effort of existing private shipbuilders, massive new construction at government navy yards, and the development of new private shipyards, in new locations, to produce large numbers of small- or medium-sized warships. At a time of near-total national commitment, almost 1. 5 million workers built American warships in dozens of locations. Destroyers were numerically were the most important warships built during the period. More than 550 full-sized destroyers were eventually launched, because of the German submarine threat, these ships held a very high priority. Pacific produced majority of warships, and some of the mass produced warships were â€Å"escort aircraft carrier† at Todd- pacific, and at Kaiser Yards, Vancouver. Also, pacific were specialized war- damaged ships. Submarines were built at a number of yards, but majorly at two locations, Portsmouth Navy Yard, near Portsmouth, New Hampshire; and Electric Boat, at Groton, Connecticut. Another in land production included the fabrication of almost 1,051 large landing ships, most of them tank-landing ships out of which, more than 60 percent were constructed along inland waters by five major steel-fabricating firms. World War II encompassed a massive national effort for production of massive warships. Pacific fleet A Pacific Fleet was created in 1907 and was marked as the largest naval construction effort ever undertaken by any nation.. Building warships for the U. S navy was a major sector of the American defence industry over a hundred year period during which the growth of the US navy was substantial. It was also the chief activity of most large American shipyards and had a sizable influence on regional economy and identity. Until May of 1940, this unit was stationed on the west coast of the United States . During the summer of that year, as part of the U. S. response to japanese expansionism and prevent its intrusion into Phillipines, it was instructed to take an â€Å"advanced† position at Pearl Harbor,Hawaii. During the time of attack the pearl harbor strength consisted of, nine battleships, three aircrafts, eight light crusiers, 50 destroyers, 33 submarines and 100 patrol bombers. American battleships can be roughly divided into four groups, pre-dreadnoughts, dreadnoughts, standards and World War II ships Japanese Imperial Navy Japanese imperial navy was one of the most powerful and world third largest navies. Initially, it was built overseas in England but soon Japanese yards built ships on English designs. The advancement in the concept resulted in Ships that were at par or better than any ship afloat. Early years of the war were dominated by the Imperial navy, however in later years it succumbed to the pressure of huge opponent power. Its naval aviation corps, consisting of 10 aircraft carriers and 1500 topnotch aviators, was the most highly trained and proficient force of its kind. Victory of American Navy over Japanese Imperial Navy America had a period of economic depression prior to commencement of the War, though Japan was also â€Å"economically disadvantaged† in waging a war against allies but, its misplaced sense of superiority in economic and military areas, against the allies, led to its ultimate downfall. While, America in the midst of seemingly interminable economic crisis, still had almost seven times more coal production, five times more steel production, eighty times the automobile production compared to the production of Japan. There is no doubt, however, of the abundance of American resources even though in the depth of depression, it had much more capability for war production compared to any other nation. Also US had nearly twice the population of Japan and hence, the manpower was never a setback. Around one million people had engaged in war production in America and furthermore, it was ever willing to utilize its women population in the war effort counting work of 6. 5 million women as a tremendous advantage, a concept not acknowledged till later years by the Axis powers. Also, America had some hidden advantages that didn’t show up directly in production figures. First, the U. S. factories were, on average, more modern and automated than those in Europe or in Japan. A rapid boom to the industrialization and technological advantage worked significantly in favor of the US navy. Additionally, American managerial practice at that time was the best in the world. Together taken, the per capita productivity of the American worker was the highest in the world. The average income of America was seventeen times more compared to that of Japan. By mid-1942, even before U. S. force of arms was being accepted as a most powerful force globally, American factories were nevertheless beginning to make a material effect in the war’s progress. The U. S. churned out seemingly endless quantities of equipment and provision, which were then funneled to forces and provided an endless support. By 1944, most of the other powers in the war, though still producing furiously, noticed a decline in the economic front and also the production was steadily decreasing from destruction of industrial bases and constriction of resource pools. But the enormous productive apparatus of the U. S. economy was pouring out war munitions in overwhelming volume Especially in Japan, the oils supplies had cut down to a trickle owing to decisive battle of the US against the Japanese imperial navy. And unless Japan could ward off obvious enemy retaliatory blows designed to capitalize on her greatest weakness, vulnerability to blockade, seizure of the southern areas would be just a hollow and ephemeral event, improving but little the basic weakness of Japan’s economy. The American submarines had specially targeted the oil carriers of Japan, and its only source left was from the Dutch East Indies behind a screen of islands that ran from the Philippines through Formosa and the Ryukyus. . After that the Japanese economy, with the possible exception of oil, was based on the continent and upon Japan proper. Resources proved much less than the expansionist propaganda had previously anticipated. . Inadequate rail facilities made it difficult to bring resources to the coast. And from mid-1944, due to the attack on shipping, only a small percentage of the material that reached the coast could be transported to Japan proper further leading to commotion. Owing to its large resources backup and abundant manpower, America suffered none of these problems and as a consequence its economy grew at an annual rate of 15% throughout the war years. It is perhaps not surprising that in 1945, the U. S. accounted for over 50% of total global GNP. Battle of Midway. Midway is often cited as the ‘Turning Point in the Pacific’, the ‘Battle that Doomed Japan,’ and a string of other stirring epithets. And there’s no question that it broke the offensive capability of the Japanese Navy and led to major crisis. The United States built more merchant shipping in the first four and a half months of 1943 than Japan put in the water in seven years and there was really no noticeable increase in Japanese merchant vessel building until 1943, by which time Japan was deeply involved in war with US and was not able to do much. Just as with their escort building programs, the Japanese were operating under a tragically flawed national strategy that dictated that the war with the United States would be a short one. Again, the United States had to devote a lot of the merchant shipping it built to replace the losses inflicted by the German U-Boats. But the battle of Leyte Gulf, the largest naval battle in history markedly changed the prevalent condition and favored US more than the axis powers. Underlying the Six naval forces, four Japanese and two American, were converging on, a titanic clash spread over three days and 100,000 square miles of sea, engaging 282 ships and 200,000 sailors. In the condition of loss of massive number of war ships and the inability to produce adequately, the Japanese war front was further deteriorated. .Japan’s own ability to produce basic materials was completely inadequate to support a war against a major in ¬dustrial power. In retrospect, it is difficult to comprehend how Japan’s leadership managed to rationalize their way around the economic facts when they contemplated making war on the US. The war ended with Japanese Imperial Navy defeated in shortage of material and personnel resources, while the resources of US were just warming up and could continue for years to come. , Bibliography Keegan John; Who’s who in World War II; routledge; 2002 World War II; Article; The Columbia Encyclopedia; sixth edition 2007 Rohtermund Dietman; Global impact of great depression 1929-1939; routledge; 1996 Heinrichs Waldo; threshold of war: Franklin Roosevelt and American entry into World War II; New York; Oxford university press; 1988 Cull John Nicholas; selling war: the British propaganda campaign against American â€Å"neutrality† in World War II; New York; Oxford University press; 1995 Kimball warren F; the most unsordid act: lend-lease, 1939-1941; Baltimore; Johns Hopkins press; 1969 Gregory Urwin; the siege of Wake Island; University of Nebraska press; 1997 Gailey A Harry; The war in the pacific: from Pearl Harbor to Tokyo Bay; Presidio press; 1995 Sluimers Laszlo; Japanese military and Indonesian independence; Japanese Journal of Southeast Asian studies; Vol 27; 1996 Walters. D. William; American naval shipbuilding 1890-1989; Journal article; the geographical review; Vol 90; 200 Hector C. Bywater; sea power in the pacific: a study of America-Japanese naval problem; Houghton muffin company; 1921 Lindberg Michael; Anglo-American shipbuilding in World War II: A geographical perspective; 2004; Daniel Todd Praeger Padfield peter; the great naval race: The Anglo-German naval rivalry 1900-1914; Birlinn; 2005 George Q Flynn; the mess in Washington: manpower mobilization in World War II; greenwood press; 1979 Kennedy M David; Victory at sea; magazine article; Atlantic monthly; vol 283; March 1999 Barrett Judy, Smith C. David,; US women on the home front in world war II; Journal article; The historian; Vol 57,1994 How to cite American shipbuilding World War II, Essays

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Modesty free essay sample

A woman must not wear mens clothing, nor a man wear womens clothing, for the LORD your God detests anyone who does this. The desire to emulate men in dress has seriously affected the fine and noble characteristics of womanhood. Often it takes a second glance to determine the sex of a woman today, due to the distorted and strange garb she wears and the close proximity of her attire to that of a man. The Scriptures call this practice an abomination unto God, or something God hates. Perhaps some will say this standard has changed due to the inception of the age of grace introduced by Jesus Christ. But this verse deals with moral law and with the nature of God, which never change, not with a ceremonial ritual fulfilled by Christ. Moreover, when the Apostle Peter wished to instruct Christian women about proper conduct, he used Sarah, the wife of Abraham, as his example (I Peter 3:5). Thus, we are not out of order in this instance to use a verse of Scripture from the law. We rightfully go back over the years and learn a spiritual lesson that sharply rebukes the customs and practices of our day. You see, all these questions that people argue about can be settled just by plain old common sense. The principle is to let the appearance be different enough that folks won’t have any doubt. That’s the way to answer it all. You don’t have to get everybody’s ok on this piece of clothing, or that one, just draw the line and determine to wear something that no one will ever have a doubt about. It’s going to look like man’s clothing. It’s going to look like women’s clothing. What about when working out in the field? What about women working in factories? What about women who have to climb on ladders? Don’t they need something modest? Yes, they do need something modest. I used to see women out in the field picking cotton and so on. I used to see them wear overalls, but I also saw some of them pit dresses on over their overalls. That was common when I was a girl. Now I know that some of them didn’t wear dresses over their overalls. Some of them did others things that were wrong, too. You know, too, there are some other things to wear, such as culottes, which are just as modest and still look feminine. That’s what you ought to wear. If you can’t buy any, get a sewing machine and learn how to sew It’s worth the expense and trouble to make that adjustment if you are going to have convictions. Do not wear clothing that the opposite sex wears. And if you are in doubt about it, just don’t and you will be safe. Just make sure that what you wear identifies you as a male or as a female and not in a way that a person would have to look at the tempting zones of the body to tell whether or not you are a male or female. This is what the Devil wants you to do, and surely you don’t want to cooperate with the Devil on this matter. Second, what do you look like when you wear these clothes? What do you look like from a distance? You’ve had the same experience that I’ve had of being out in public and seeing somebody at a distance and not being really sure if that person is a male or a female. You can’t tell by the clothes, because girls wear pants just like boys do. They wear T-shirts just like boys do. The boys often have their hair just as long as the girls (or the girls’ just as short as the boys), so you look at someone from a distance and you often cannot tell if the person is a male or a female. The only way you can tell is to look at those portions of the body that distinguish between male and female, and by the way, this is the Devil’s reason behind it all. That is what he wants you to look at. He doesn’t want you to look at somebody’s head; he wants you to look other places. That is one of the things that makes this so wrong, and we need to see that. We should not wear clothing which at a distance would make anybody wonder whether we are male or female. Her hair style is again predicated upon the Word of God, which teaches her to let her hair grow uncut: Is it comely that a woman pray unto God uncovered? Doth not even nature itself teach you, that, if a man have long hair, it is a shame unto him? But if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her: for her hair is given her for a covering (I Corinthians 11:13-15). Here are the biblical guidelines concerning Christian example in dress for women. 1. Modesty 2. Moderation in cost. 3. Inclination toward godliness (decency). 4. Avoidance of outward adornment. 5. Shamefacedness and sobriety. 6. Distinction between male and female. Sailors may have played a role in the dissemination of trousers as a fashion around the world. In the 17th and 18th centuries, sailors wore baggy trousers known as galligaskins. Sailors were also the first to wear jeanstrousers made of denim. These became more popular in the late 19th century in the American West, because of their ruggedness and durability. In ancient China, trousers were only worn by Calvary. According to tradition, they were first introduced by King Wu of Zhao in 375 BC, who copied the custom from non-Chinese horsemen on his northern border. Tim 2:8-10 I want men everywhere to lift up holy hands in prayer, without anger or disputing. I also want women to dress modestly, with decency and propriety, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or expensive clothes, 10but with good deeds, appropriate for women who profess to worship God. Peter 3:1-5 Wives, in the same way be submissive to your husbands so that, if any of them do not believe the word, they may be won over without words by the behavior of their wives, when they see the purity and reverence of your lives. Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as braided hair and the wearing of gold jewelry and fine clothes. Instead, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in Gods sight. For this is the way the holy women of the past who put their hope in God used to make themselves beautiful. Holy women of old concentrated on adorning their spiritual life by developing the character of the heart. This is the major concentration and beautification of the Christian woman. Thus, the Apostle Peter used the great dedication of women of another age to impress the women of the first century with the need for the ornament or adornment of a meek and quiet spirit. By the same token, we are within reasonable and scriptural rights to insist that Christian women today heed the influential, sensible, and divinely inspired advice of the apostles. Paul admonished women to dress according to certain standards and listed them in this order: modesty, inexpensive and nonornamental attire, and clothing that becomes godliness. To be modest means to be decent and respectful. The apostolic Christian woman seeks to emulate all the fine virtues of Christian womanhood, so she carefully and prayerfully selects her attire in order not to unduly expose her body to the stares of the public. She is not so old-fashioned as to look like a monstrosity, but she is deliberately methodical in choosing clothing that will dignify her womanhood without provoking the stares of the opposite sex. She has dedicated herself to the cause of Christianity. This manner of dedication avoids expensive, extravagant clothing and superfluous, ornamental jewelry, permitting only the functional use of a wristwatch and a wedding band to designate her wedlock. The great needs of Christian evangelism and charitable assistance to the poor demand that she deny herself the exorbitant tastes of expensive fads so that she might practice the Christian art of concern for others. In this manner, she professes a godliness that stems from a heartfelt desire for virtuous, holy living. Holiness involves both the inner man and the outer man (I Corinthians 6:19-20; I Thessalonians 5:23). We must perfect holiness by cleansing ourselves of filthiness both of the flesh and of the spirit (II Corinthians 7:1). For example, lustful thoughts are as sinful as an act of adultery (Matthew 5:27-28). Holiness, then, includes attitudes, thoughts, and spiritual stewardship on the one hand and actions, appearance, and physical stewardship on the other. One without the other is insufficient. Inward holiness will produce outward holiness, but the outward appearance of holiness is worthless without inward holiness. For example, a modest spirit will produce modest dress, but modest dress is of little value if it conceals a lustful heart. Holiness or sanctification is not a means of earning salvation but a result of salvation. As such, it comes by grace through faith. Holiness cannot be manufactured bywords of the flesh but must come as we submit to the leadership and control of the Holy Spirit. We are holy in a twofold sense. On the one hand, we receive an immediate sanctification (separation from sin) through the death of Christ when we are baptized in Jesus’ name and filled with the Holy Spirit (I Corinthians 6:11; Hebrews10:10). God counts us holy by imputing Christ’s righteousness to us. On the other hand, we must follow after and seek holiness (Hebrews 12:14). We must strive after holiness and receive the progressive work of sanctification. We are already sanctified, but we are also called to be saints (sanctified, holy ones) (I Corinthians 1:2). Many times what we wear helps to mold their expectations as well as our own. When a woman wears an immodest dress, she begins to think of herself as seductive and acts accordingly. Other people perceive her as provocative and treat her as such, which reinforces her behavior. In short, appearance both reflects and to large degree determines what we are in the eyes of self and others. The basic reason for modesty of dress is to subdue the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eye, and the pride of life. The exposed body tends to arouse improper thoughts in both wearer and onlooker. To implement the purpose behind modest dress, the body should basically be covered, except for those parts which we must use openly for normal living. This suggests that clothes should cover the torso and upper limbs. Reasonable guidelines, then, would-be women’s dresses over the knee. In addition, we should avoid low necklines, sleeveless dresses or shirts, very tight clothes, very thin clothes, and slacks on women because they immodestly reveal the feminine contours of upper leg, thigh, and hip. Likewise, swimming in mixed company is immodest. Since the primary effect of makeup is to highlight sex appeal, we reject makeup as immodest. To strive to please the Lord. That is the ultimate goal of the Apostolic lady. Those in Pentecost know there is nothing more attractive than a precious saint whose love for Jesus shines upon her face and is shown to the world in a kind character! Does it fit properly? Remember you are a daughter of the King! No reason to dress frumpy, but dont go too far in the opposite direction! Always keep an attitude of modesty in mind! Is it too tight, flashy, or revealing? A good rule of thumb I use to judge an outfit is would I feel comfortable talking to my pastor wearing it? Would I want my daughter to wear it? Many sisters use the four finger rule for necklines. Place four fingers below the notch at the bottom of your neck, if the neckline plunges below your pinkie finger it might be too low! Check the sleeves, if you can see your underclothing or into your shirt when you lift your arms consider the sleeves may be too short or too wide. You want to be able to lift your arms in worship without any doubting! Regarding slits in skirts or dresses, if you were to take a pair of scissors and cut off the skirt at the top, would it be too short? If the answer is yes, then the slit is too high! Sew it shut or add a triangle piece of scrap denim to fill it in! Is it suitable for the occasion? While we always want to look neat and tidy, the Apostolic lady never wants to appear over or under dressed. Take the time to double check, you want to be focused entirely on the Lord and not be worried about your outfit after you leave home! What Should I Look for While Shopping? The Apostolic lady always appears in clothing which celebrates her gender. A good rule of thumb to follow is the outline of her shape should not be defined above the knee. When purchasing a skirt or dress be sure to bend from the waist and at the knee. Sit down in the dressing room and ensure your skirt stays put! Some naysayers will try and convince you that you are handicapped in a skirt, not so! Many sisters enjoy outdoor activities such as horseback riding, hiking, gardening, bike riding etc. while maintaining their modesty and femininity. Remember the more you strive to please the Lord, the more He will bless you! I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto god, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. Romans 12: 1-2 I Should Be Ashamed To Be Naked. The Bible consistently associates shame with nakedness. This is found in both the Old and New Testaments (Micah 1:11; Nahum 3:5; Rev. 3:18, 16:15). In the beginning, man and woman were completely naked. And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed (Gen. 2:25; all quotations taken from NKJV). There was no shame because there was no knowledge of good and evil. After they sinned, their eyes were opened, they knew that they were naked and sewed fig leaves together to make coverings for themselves (Gen. 3:7). What happened next teaches a lesson that many brethren have yet to learn: We dont have to be completely nude to be Biblically naked. Then the LORD God called to Adam and said to him, Where are you? So he said, I heard Your voice in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked; and I hid myself. And He said, Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten from the tree of which I commanded you that you should not eat? (Gen. 3:9-11). Adam was covered with fig leaves, yet he said he was naked and hid himself in shame. Notice God did not tell him he was not naked. He agreed with Adams conclusion. Adam wasnt clothed until verse 21: Also for Adam and his wife the LORD God made tunics of skin, and clothed them. Why was man still naked in the covering he made for himself, but clothed in the covering God made for him? The garment God made was more adequate, not because of the material it was made out of, but because of the parts of the body that it covered. Man was not clothed until his nakedness was covered. Are we going to be so bold in our dress as to reveal what God has covered? Some brethren are. Some people like to play the where is it game when it comes to modesty. Where is the line? How short is too short? How low is too low? How tight is too tight? I played this game too, until I realized that it was avoiding the real issue. Nakedness has to do with exposing parts of the body, not in measuring the fabric of the clothing. As we have already pointed out, we can have clothes on and still be naked in a Biblical sense. While some brethren are looking for that line between modest and immodest, they overlook the fact that the Bible has been very specific in telling us what is to be covered. There are certain parts of the body which, if left uncovered and exposed, constitute nakedness. The Thigh. Take the millstones and grind meal. Remove your veil, take off the skirt, uncover the thigh, pass through the rivers. Your nakedness shall be uncovered, yes, your shame will be seen; (Isaiah 47:2-3). To reveal the flesh of the thigh is to be naked, and should cause shame. Any clothing which reveals the flesh or form of the thigh is immodest. This would include (but is certainly not limited to) shorts, spandex jogging shorts, swimsuits, mini skirts, skirts with long slits, cheerleading uniforms and many athletic uniforms. The Buttocks. So shall the king of Assyria lead away the Egyptians as prisoners and the Ethiopians as captives, young and old, naked and barefoot, with their buttocks uncovered, to the shame of Egypt (Isaiah 20:4). To expose the buttocks is to be naked, and should cause shame. Any clothing which reveals the flesh or form of the buttocks is immodest. This would include short shorts, mens and womens swimsuits, pants hanging off waist, hip-huggers, etc. The B reasts. I made you thrive like a plant in the field; and you grew, matured, and became very beautiful. Your breasts were formed, your hair grew, but you were naked and bare (Ezekiel 16:7). To expose the breast is to be naked, and should cause shame. Any clothing which reveals the breast (in part or in whole), or is specifically made to showcase or augment the form of the breast is immodest. This would include low cut tops, loose fitting sleeveless tops, tube tops, tight sweaters, push-up bras, etc. This would also apply to men going without a shirt, wearing a muscle shirt, or leaving their shirt unbuttoned. 1. The Bible clearly specifies which body parts need covering. To wear clothing which reveals, exposes, or draws attention to these parts of the body is to dress immodestly. Proximity to a large body of water, or to a swimming facility, doesnt make a swimsuit modest. Calling sports (cross-country, wrestling, basketball, gymnastics, etc. ) or cheerleading outfits a uniform does not make them modest. If these popular garments expose the thigh, buttocks or breasts (mens chest), the one wearing them is naked in a Biblical sense, and ought to be ashamed. 2. I Dont Want To Advertise Something About Myself That Isnt True. Our clothing sends a message. The Bible talks about a Christian woman professing godliness in her dress and conduct (1 Timothy 2:9-10). It also talks about the attire of a harlot (Proverbs 7:10). It is interesting to note what some in the world have to say about todays popular fashions. They willingly admit what some Christians try to deny. The legs, breast, buttocks and midriff of a woman will attract the attention of men. The muscular build of a man (shoulders, arms, chest and buttocks) will attract the attention of women. Clothing designers know this, and many of todays fashions are made to empower men and women with the ability to attract this attention to themselves. Most reasonable people will admit that this attention is actually lust. Clothing which reveals parts of the body meant to be covered will incite lust in members of the opposite sex. The clothing is going to do what it is designed to do even if the person wearing it is a Christian. It sends a message that Christians shouldnt be sending. It invites sexual attention. It leads people on. 3. I Dont Want To Cause Another To Stumble. Then He said to the disciples, It is impossible that no offenses should come, but woe to him through whom they do come! It would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were thrown into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones' (Luke 17:1-2). The Lord condemned those who would be stumbling blocks. He shows, with graphic language, that it would be better for one to die a brutal death of drowning before offending another than to face Him in judgment after doing so. We have already pointed out that some clothing is designed to produce lust. What is wrong with lust? Why cant we Look But Dont Touch? Whats wrong with giving others something to look at? The Bible does not portray lust as an innocent thing to be enjoyed, but as a dangerous thing to be avoided. Beloved, I beg you as sojourners and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts which war against the soul (1 Peter 2:11). Lusts are those things which will cause us to lose our souls in Hell. Flee also youthful lusts ldots; (2 Timothy 2:22). We are to flee lusts, not invite them. Whatever naturally provokes and excites these sinful lusts must be opposed and avoided -including the wearing of revealing clothing. The sight of bare flesh provokes lust. Young people have more power in this area than many of them realize. They need to be aware, not only of the signals they are sending with immodest clothing, but of the affect it has on others. To dress or behave in such a way as to cause one to lust is to be a stumbling block. I Need To Be Careful To Preserve A Good Conscience. The conscience is what holds everything in check. It is our warning system which tells us when we are about to do something wrong. The Bible warns that after we have violated our conscience enough, it can become hardened and no longer work (1 Tim. 4:2). Once that restraint is gone there is nothing left to keep us from going further into sin, and nothing left through which God can appeal unto us to repent. Some obviously look upon immodest dress as a little thing. Why are some brethren wanting to make such a big deal out of it? Because we know that big things come from little things. The Bible teaches that sin becomes progressively worse, not better: But evil men and impostors will grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived (2 Tim. :13). If I can convince myself that nothing is wrong with dressing immodestly, it will not be hard to convince myself that nothing is wrong with mixed swimming, dancing, drinking, bad language, petting and fornication. Conclusion: Approaching immodest dress from this point of view is not meant to leave the impression that the matter is open to personal interpretation. Nakedness is clearly defined for us in the Bible. Gods word specifies what parts of the body are to be covered, and common sense tells us why they need to be covered. Christians who still insist on dressing immodestly are violating both.