Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Motivation of Psychology Graduate Essay Example for Free

Inspiration of Psychology Graduate Essay The scientists mean to decide the adapting methodologies and level of inspiration of chose Psychology graduates with respect to their own issues in District One Laguna. In particular, the scientists try to build up answer to the accompanying inquiries. 1. What is the degree of inspiration of the brain science graduates with respect to their own issues? 2. What are the adapting systems utilized by the brain science graduates with respect to their own issues? 3. Is there a huge connection between the adapting techniques and level of inspiration of chose Psychology graduates with respect to their own issues? 4. What are the variables influencing the degree of inspiration of chosen Psychology graduates in locale one Laguna? 5. How do the Psychology graduates utilize their significant scholarly subjects they concentrated in managing their own issues? 6. Is their course Psychology supportive to keep their selves persuaded? 7. Do Psychology graduates have a bit of leeway regarding adapting distressing life occasions? 8. Do Psychology graduates despite everything actualize what they have concentrated in the wake of graduating? 9. What is the significant trouble that they have experienced in their own lives?

Saturday, August 22, 2020

SWOT and PESTEL Analysis of Seafood Restaurant

SWOT and PESTEL Analysis of Seafood Restaurant Rundown Jack Sprat is the proprietor of fish café in a beach front town. He is multi year old and specialist has exhorted him to take rest so he had designated a Manager to take care of the business activity and he use to come to see the business once in seven days. Be that as it may, when he gave over the business to the chief his business isn't progressing admirably and there is consistent declining in the business. So as to discover cure proprietor has been drawn closer to the creator to dissect the case and propose as what ought to be never really back the matter of the café. Creator has dissected the business with the apparatuses of business (case) examination SWOT, and PESTLE and further money related information has additionally been thought about to discover the declining pattern and arrive at a resolution as why business is going down. So as to assess the business activity and put the discoveries in the report creator has done broad research-optional research and investigated the case with his significant recommendations. Affirmation Creator might want to pass on his appreciation to those whole individuals who helped him to improve his comprehension of the case and broke down the circumstance with the goal that a legitimate finish of the case can be drawn. Creator has finished this case effectively and has been giving his discoveries recommendation in this report. So creator might want to gratitude to the Module coach for kind help and direction. Presentation Jack Sprat is multi year old proprietor of 60 seat authorized fish café that is arranged in a costal town. Before beginning this business Jack was just a Manager at a nearby Bluebeckers Restaurant. Be that as it may, a legacy left this café to him. Since the opening of this eatery business it has given excellent return. The conviction of Jack towards progress f this business is the Maintenance of elevated requirements in fod creation and introduction. Other certainty is Menu and refreshment list has been genuinely consistent since start of this eatery. Jack didn't change menu and refreshment list since business was giving unassuming return since starting. Be that as it may, jack isn't normal to the eatery and he has selected a Manager to deal with the business activity and he use to go to the café to see the business activity once in seven days. This is on the grounds that at this age (63) he has been experiencing medical issue and his primary care physician has exhorted him to take rest. Yet, business of this eatery has gone down when it was given over to the chief. Truancy of the staff has been expanded. Remembering the cure of the circumstance writer has set up point and destinations of this report, here are the point and targets written in nitty gritty: Point of this report is to discover cure of the current issue or inconsistencies of the café and give important proposals to defeat from these issues with the goal that business can be put on its old example gainful. Destinations are: Finding most significant issues Distinguishing proof of additional data that would be useful in making sensible arrangements for the eventual fate of the business To list the needs Drawing an activity Plan The structure of this report is as per the following: First of all primary body has been introduced wherein SWOT, PEST, and other itemized examination has been finished. At that point end has been drawn and book index (rundown of references) has been given trailed by supplement area where extra informations has been given. Primary SECTION Point and goal No.1: Finding significant issues: Before giving arrangement of anything one needs to discover the issues first. So to discover issue identified with any business it is absolute initial step to lead SWOT examination and PEST or PESTLE investigation. Before going for the SWOT investigation of the business concerned it is essential to comprehend SWOT first. SWOT ANALYSIS is the point by point search and posting of variables from situational examination that may or will affect the businesss procedure. Key advertising depends on the SWOT investigation. The procedure by which SWOT factors are determined is to deliberately audit the inner investigation for qualities and shortcomings, and the natural examination for circumstances and dangers, and to then record. (Reich, Z.A, 1997) As indicated by (Morrison, J 2002) The SWOT investigation is a normally utilized arranging apparatus, which evaluates the organizations key profile as far as its qualities, shortcomings, openings and dangers. Concentrating on both inside and outer situations, it serves to feature an organizations unmistakable skills, which will empower it to increase upper hand. In view of the above data from the researchers the facts demonstrate that business condition can be isolated into two section inside and outer situations. Inside condition comprises of all factors that is inner piece of the business. These interior components are inside the control of the business. Quality and Weaknesses of the business can be found in the inside condition of the business. Outside elements are those elements which are not inside the control of the business and to be into reality business houses needs to change in their inner approach and modify itself to adapt to the outer condition factors. Openings and Threats are the elements that are a piece of outside condition of a business. SWOT : Strength, Weakness, Opportunities and Threat Analysis of Seafood Restaurant Business of Jack Sprat: Qualities Shortcomings Prior this business was gainful It is set up association Keeping up elevated requirement in food and introduction Staffs know about their work Clients feel that eatery is strategically located and charges sensible cost Proprietor can't focus on the business Administrator is less engaged as he feels less extension has been given to him for the advancement of this business Number of staff has been expanded which is additional weight on finance costs of the business. No repair done appropriately yearly Upkeep and Hygiene issue Inadequate store/assets for spending on upkeep and Hygiene Menu decision is stale and exhausting Ill-advised administration of food because of absence of legitimate estimating of visitors. Openings Dangers Eatery is old so having built up advertise Market Image is acceptable sensible cost and predictable norm Weakening of piece of the overall industry because of failure to restoration Condition Health official may not be casual in future and there will be time when formal notification will be given. Irritation ANALYSIS Before breaking down PEST or PESTLE factors from a business perspective it is imperative to comprehend these components: (Political, Economical, Socio social, Technological and Legal). A PEST investigation is an examination of an outside full scale condition that influences all organizations. Such outer factors generally are past the organizations control and now and then present themselves as dangers. Consequently, some state that irritation is a fitting term for these elements. Anyway changes in the outside condition likewise make new chances and letters now and then are modified to build the more idealistic terms of STEP ANALYSIS. Numerous full scale natural variables are nation explicit and the nuisance examination should be a performed for all nations of intrigue. Political Factors Assessment strategy Business laws Natural guidelines Exchange limitations and duties Political solidness Financial Factors Financial development Loan fees Trade rates Expansion rate Social Factors Wellbeing awareness Populace development rate Age circulation Vocation perspectives Accentuation on wellbeing Mechanical Factors RD action Mechanization Innovation motivators Pace of innovative change on 2/01/2011 Point and target No.2: Identification of additional data that would be useful in making sensible arrangements for the eventual fate of the business: Data required towards showcase division target advertise: Data to the case is essential to break down any business wellbeing or issue. It is similarly significant like clinical tests are significant for human body for cure of any sort of gripe of a patient. There are different tests or checking is required for business examination. Market division is one of them. Market division: showcase comprises of purchasers contrast in at least one different ways. They may vary in their needs, assets, areas, purchasing perspectives and purchasing rehearses. Since purchasers have one of a kind needs and needs, every purchaser is conceivably a different market. Preferably, at that point a merchant may structure a different promoting program for every purchaser. For instance a food provider can redo the menu, amusement, and the setting to address the issues of explicit customers. Be that as it may, most organizations can't offer total division. The expense of complete division is high and most clients can't bear the cost of totally modified items. Organizations in this manner, search for wide class of purchasers who contrast in their item needs or purchasing reactions. The café business offers numerous instances of division by an assortment of factor s. (kotler,p 2004) The purpose for information on showcase division is required in light of the fact that until except if its not realized what fragment is being focused by the association worried (for this situation Restaurant of Jack Sprat), it would be extremely hard to look at the quality of that portion for the business. For this situation its not given for the situation so its imperative to break down this business from its portion perspective. Data Needed for contender investigation: To get accomplishment of the business its expected to manage clients, providers, workers, and others. In practically all cases there will likewise be different associations offering comparative items to comparable clients. These different associations are contenders. Target of different associations is equivalent to yours to develop, bring in cash and succeed. Adequately, the organizations are at war battling to pick up a similar asset and

Friday, August 21, 2020

Gillette Company Case Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Gillette Company Case Study - Essay Example Fast proportion Inventories are minimal fluid of benefits and face noteworthy dangers like they might be harmed or lost among others. They are henceforth decreased in figuring brisk proportion. A higher speedy proportion is likewise liked. Money Ratio-shows the level of current liabilities secured with money and money reciprocals. This proportion gauges the company’s capacity to reimburse current liabilities utilizing money. A higher proportion is additionally suggested. A proportion of 1 or more is prescribed since it shows the simplicity to pay current liabilities utilizing money and money reciprocals, organizations, be that as it may, select to utilize accessible money for other benefit creating exercises and thus the proportion is preferably under 1. Gillette’s money proportion is 0.19 which falls far underneath the suggested rate. This may show that the firm doesn't keep its incomes in real money, and this may impede its capacity to reimburse its present liabilities for the time being. These liquidity measures show that Gillette can't meet its present commitments effortlessly. That implies that the firm needs to sell a portion of its fixed resources so as to lessen odds of indebtedness. There is in this manner requirement for development by the administration. The obligation proportion is short of what one showing that the firm has a greater number of benefits than obligation. The rate is, be that as it may, higher than 0.5 which is the suggested level. This is a decent sign since it infers less influence and consequently less budgetary dangers however the board should deal with expanding the degree of benefits and decreasing liabilities. Profit for value this is a proportion of net gain to add up to shareholder’s value. It demonstrates the measure of benefit the organization makes for its proprietors. A high proportion is favored by speculators since they are guaranteed of exceptional yields on their ventures. Stock turnover-this is the proportion, of the expense of products offered to inventories, demonstrating the occasions the organization restocked its stock. A higher proportion demonstrates high deals because of quick development of the

Friday, June 5, 2020

Research and Describe Canadian Women During Great Depression - 5500 Words

Research and Describe Canadian Women During Great Depression (Essay Sample) Content: Canadian women during great depressionStudent NameInstructors NameCourseDateIntroductionThere is no doubt that indeed the great depression destroyed a lot of economies. However, it is undeniable that one nation perhaps endured more compared to other nations that experienced the great depression: Canada. It is worth noting that Canadas economy hit the lowest point in 1932, the country underwent a shocking decline of more than 34% in per capita gross domestic product (GDP). No other industrialized state was as hard-hit. Canada during this period was and still is a nation that highly depends on trade. It should be noted that in the 1920s, products for instance wheat and slow commodities, as well as newsprint, were mainly imperative. In line with this, in 1930, the then United States president Herbert Hoover endorsed into regulation the Smoot-Hawley tax Act, which increased duties on a majority of imports to what is to date regarded historic high levels. This resulted to castigatory taxes along with a severe decrease of business globally.[Francis J. Turner, Encyclopedia of Canadian Social Work (Wilfrid Laurier Univ. Press, 2009), 130-167.] It was mainly detrimental to Canada, which was particularly Americas major business partner, where export costs dropped. For instance, the cost of slow products dropped more than 30% from 1929 to 1932, and cattle costs decreased for more than 60%. Whats more, the Smoot-Hawley tax Act created a situation where key Canadian pulp and paper organizations into insolvency. Furthermore, Canadian vehicle manufacturers saw their exports crumble to less than 20,000 motor vehicles in 1931 from more than 100,000 in 1929. Production, generally, reduced over 50%. The rate of unemployment hit an all time high (an average of more than 30%) within Canadian capital. For instance, in Windsor, Ont., it hit more than 48%. Within the Maritime Provinces, unemployment for common laborers reached 60%.Famine, epidemicsThe total number of d eathswas high on the Canadian large open areas of grassland, which endured not just from the business conflicts however from famine, poverty and epidemics of grasshoppers. It is worth noting that by the time the great depression was ended, every 1 individual in 12 citizens had left the expanse permanently, while on the other hand, a huge area of Saskatchewan had been shrink to a wilderness destroyed by natural catastrophes. Within small Minton, a high number of the residents approximately more than 800 relied on government aid and donations; ironically even the citys poultry had to rely on aid food.[Joe Martin, Relentless Change:A Casebook for the Study of Canadian Business History (University of Toronto Press, 2009), 1-112.] Yet in all the anguish that was experienced, the Canadians never accepted or supported willingly and enthusiastically the type of government process of intervening into the economy that the United States implemented. It should be remembered that a brief effort by Prime Minister R.B. Bennett to duplicate Franklin Roosevelts new contract was in the end shot down by the Privy Council in London, which was still Canadas significant Supreme tribunal. In a nutshell, literature as well as sources provided above reveals that during the great depression family units had a challenging time coping with situations, in particular throughout times of famine and bad harvest-time. One may perhaps question just how women endured in this complex and challenging times.The lives of the women before the great depression in CanadaGenerally, the early depression had an effect on male salary earners more brutally compared to the women employees. As mentioned in the literature above, the stock market collapse of 1929 harmed heavy or strong businesses such as steel, rubber, and industries concentrating on compounds, which were controlled by male employees, much more compared to the light companies such as manufacturing, where a majority of female production employe es were working.An important point to note is that, the production companies improved rather faster during the depression in comparison to the heavy organizations. This led to a situation where a majority of the male population lost their employments compared to the female employees which meant that it was now challenging for the men to secure employment in factories throughout the depression compared to their women counterparts. Apart from looking for work in production, women had more salary-earning chances in non-manufacturing occupations for instance tutoring, nursing, domestic services, and work from the houses, and office jobs than the males.How the Great Depression affected the women in CanadaStill, women employees did endure through the depression.A majority of the women who had not labored prior to the depression were compelled to look for employment for the reason that their partners had been made redundant or were affected by salary-cuts.This was particularly the situatio n for elder, wedded females who had left the workforce when they gave birth.Notably, one-third of the depression-period women labor force consisted of wedded women which a more than 40% rise from the 1920s.Having a source of revenue did not guarantee survival, nevertheless. Salaries for employed women in the 1930s were exceptionally low: stitching and making of toys and other commodities from their houses attracted less than $5 in a week. Even though it was easy for women to look for work all through the depression compared to the men, it is important to appreciate that there was still a high rate of joblessness amongst the women.[Patricia Hachten Wee and Robert James Wee, World War II in Literature for Youth:A Guide and Resource Book (Scarecrow Press, 2004), 23-300.] Whereas women were engaged in sales, bookkeeping, and household activities by 1890s, the great depression on the other hand puzzlingly had an effect on men. The structure of the family unit changed in the fullness of t ime as families progressed through depression. As mentioned above, roughly over two million women and men combined were faced with situations of unemployment levels as well as homelessness; people were forced to sleep in capital underground railroads, streets, and unoccupied grounds. In line with this, it is perhaps significant to note that 1929 was in fact important in relation to how the depression affected the women. This year saw the stock market collapse; a situation that crippled organizations controlled or governed by men for instance, chemicals, rubber and steel. A majority of men lost their employments.They had tough time getting employment in the market.[Karen Flynn, Moving Beyond Borders:A History of Black Canadian and Caribbean Women in the Diaspora (University of Toronto Press, 2011), 12-200.] By 1930s, the rate of unemployment particularly for the men was two or three times compared to that of women through most of the depression period. On the other hand, the business es that were involved in manufacturing, where a majority of the women were working, were not influenced to the degree that was seen or experienced amongst the huge ones. Notably, the women got more salaries in tutoring, treatment, domestic service, as well as office work. Even though women generally relied on men-salary earnings prior to the depression, they were obligated to search for jobs for the endurance of their families.Despite the fact that a majority of women had not labored before, the financial situation compelled the women to go out and become the wage earners of the family unit given that their companions lost their employments. Generally, women had to weigh their household tasks as well as approaches of their families and the complexity of getting employment. Therefore, the choice whether to labor or not depended mainly on women. Working reduced the tasks of women- wives as well as mothers- in their family units.A majority of women- poor, unmarried women, migrants- reg arded work to be a need. Whereas more and more women went out to labor or search for employment, on the other hand, bias against wedded women increased. It is perhaps important to note that all through the depression; most of the citizens were not thankful or feel appreciative with the fact that a majority of the wedded women were working. The two main justifications why the community singled out the married women were; * They believed that these women were taking the jobs meant for the men * The community regarded this as a move to abandon their family units in a period of extreme need.Even though the community perceived that the men were susceptible that women were taking up their occupations, however, in actual fact, women for the most part labored in production, domestic service, and secretarial work which was in fact meant or associated with the women. The other disparagement was the fact that women were abandoning their household tasks within their homes. These disparagements prompted the central government to apply or sign into law a regulation that wedded women should not be permitted to work for the government in 1930. Community schools, transport organizations, depositories along with other companies that had hired women went ahead to fire them and declined to employ wedded women. Rather than viewing women as allies that maintained the family unit, the society in contrast perceived them as threats for the reason that they weakened the responsibility of men in the households. In summary, based on the knowledge and the challenges that the great depression attracted, it is worth stating that the prejudices put up against the many women were one-dimensional particularly due to the fact that they were joining the labor force not to contend or battle ...

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Fall of the Roman Empire - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 897 Downloads: 9 Date added: 2019/10/30 Category History Essay Level High school Tags: Ancient Rome Essay Did you like this example? The city of Rome, which became a capital of one of the largest empires in the history of Europe if not the world, is in central Italy, along the Tiber River, about 15 miles from the Tyrrhenian sea. Surrounded by the fertile land of the plain of Latium, the tiny village that became Rome was originally settled on the eastern bank of the Tiber, nestled between seven hills. The Capitoline Hill is northwest of the Palatine Hill, which is roughly in the central part of the city, The Aventine Hill,which is south of the palatin, lies to the west of the caelian, the southeastern hill that begins the chain of hills that stretch north the esquiline, viminal, and quirinal. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Fall of the Roman Empire" essay for you Create order Another hill, the janiculum, which lies west of the Tiber, was one of the earliest defenses against Romes etruscan neighbors. Augustus inaugurated a period of government called the principate during which the Roman Empire greatly expanded, and despite assassination, corruption, and frequent war, the principate survived until the third century. The death of the Emperor commodus ushered in a new civil war, one that only ended with seven emperors. When the last them, Severus Alexander, died in 235, Rome was plunged into the Roman Civil Wars of 235-284, a period characterized by barracks emperors, few of whom ruled very long. Order returned with the Dominate. The term applied to the next system of government, which began with the Emperor Diocletian. Emperors of the Dominate did not look republican ideas for legitimacy but to religion and new relationship with deity. This not only removed the need for a republican ideas for legitimacy but religion and a new relationship with deity. This not only removed the need for a republican facade, which characterized the principate, but also removed the Roman Army, which h ad long thought of itself as a kingmaker. In 284 CE, Diocletian reorganized the empire and established regional capitals to make imperial authority present where needed. The tetrarchy, or rule by four men, helped strengthen the internal and external security of the empire, but when Diocletian retired, civil war began once again. Romans thought that it much faster to go to sea to land, most Romans traveling long distances went by ship. There were no passenger vessels, so if if one wished to travel was concerned with the food supply of Rome, these large freighters were the ships that passengers would travel on. Because of the harshness and unpredictability of winter storms at sea, ships mainly sailed in the summer. A few traveled in the spring and fall, but very few would risk sailing in the spring and fall, but very few would risk sailing in the winter, when storms were most frequent. Most ships clung to the coast noth so that they could quickly seek shelter and because there were no reliable means of navigating across the open sea. The tendency of ships to stay close to shore made them vulnerable to a different menace/pirates. Just as bandits roamed the countryside, for the most of Roman history, pirates ruled the seas. The shore hugging nature of ancient sailing made it easy for greedy or desperate men to watch for such ships and, when they were sighted they would dash out to sea and seize them. They often killed the crew or sold them into slavery and stole the goods to be sold later. If pirates captured a wealthy or important person, they would hold him or her for ransom. In some coastal areas of the Mediterranean, piracy was a way of life. The most infamous area was along the coast of Asia Minor in a region called Cilica. Piracy was most rampant in periods when central authority was weakest. The Late Republic was one of the worse times, pirates gangs attained the power of small kingdoms. No one was safe from them, as illustrated by the fact that when Julius Caesar was young he was captured by pirates who held him for ransom. However, he was insulted that his captors asked for only 20 talents of ransom when Caesar thought that he was worth at least 50. He told his captors that as a result of this offence, he would have them all crucified. As soon as his ransom was paid and he was released, he gathered together some ships and soldiers, tracked down the pirates, and as he said he would had them all crucified. Eventually piracy became so severe piracy became so severe that the Romans had to act. In 67 BCE, a special law called the Lex Gabinia was passed, giving the general Pompey the Great and extraordinary command. He was awarded absolute power over the entire Mediterranean Sea as well as along the coasts to a distance of 50 miles in land. He was given 20 legions and 270 ships, and he was ordered to solve the pirate problem. He divided the sea into 13 regions and set up blockades so that no one could pass from one region to another. He then began at one end of the Mediterranean and swept across it, capturing and destroying all the pirates strongholds on the coasts while driving the fleets ahead of him. Ian only three months, pompey succeeded in purging the Mediterranean of piracy. Piracy naturally came back, but after the establishment of Rome naval bases, it was never as much of a threat as it had been during the Late Republic.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Swot Analysis Of Apple Inc. - 1226 Words

SWOT Analysis of Apple, Inc. Roberta Jones MGT450: Strategic Planning for Organizations Date Submitted Dr. Levith 8/15/16 SWOT Analysis of Apple, Inc. Company Overview: Apple Incorperated Apple Inc. was co-founded by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak on April 1, 1976 (Johnson, 2012). Originally, the duo sought to develop a simple micro-computer board that could be offered to small and businesses. However, since its conception, Apple exhibited unprecedented growth in the ICT industry with its initial products, including Apple I, Apple II and Macintosh becoming the first commercially successful personal computers that assisted Apple to develop into a profitable, well-regulated firm that has come to be today. Today, the company focuses on the design, manufacture and marketing of a wide variety of consumer electronic products, including personal computers, smartphones, and portable music players, coupled with related computer software, applications, services and peripherals (Laugesen Yuan, 2010). Apple has global supply chain with more than 250 retail stores distributed worldwide (Johnson et al., 2012). Starting with delivering music only, Apple has ventured into other entert ainment content such as videos, television shows, films as well as audio books that are distributed via its ITunes Store (West Mace, 2010). The current market environment features significant market players with relatively stronger and long established brands such as Microsoft, IBM, Google, Amazon,Show MoreRelatedSwot Analysis Apple Inc.1455 Words   |  6 PagesSWOT Analysis: Apple Inc. Management 303 Management 303 SWOT Analysis of Apple Inc Section I – Organizational History and overview In 2007, Jobs told a crowd at the Macworld Expo that Apple would now be known as Apple Inc., and not Apple Computer, Inc. The company had moved from producing only computers to offering the iPod, iTunes and more. That year, Apple also debuted its widely successful touch screen Smartphone and the less popular Apple TV. In early 2009, Jobs left Apple for a shortRead MoreSWOT Analysis: Apple Inc1462 Words   |  6 Pagesï » ¿Apple Inc. I. SWOT Analysis Strengths Weaknesses Strong Brand Image Faulty Products Financial Performance is Robust Infringement on Patents The Company has a focus on research and product development    Launch of iPad reported as revolutionary Mac OS lacks gaming capabilities Strong reliable OS Nonupgradable Mac PC Easy to use and intuitive gadgets Limited Product Range Small products with stylish designs    Product integrations    Opportunities Threats Smartphones CompetitionRead MoreApple, Inc. SWOT analysis2435 Words   |  10 PagesApple, Inc. SWOT analysis Carzadean Lawton MGT680-Strategic Management Dr. Leland Taylor June 30, 2013 Abstract Apple Computers Inc. has made its mark in the industry by creating innovative products which continues to redefine the design of computers. In the past there have been companies who have failed to succeed at trying to replicate Apple’s design. In this report, we will identify examples of the good and the bad of business practices. This report will analyze the case of Apple Inc.Read MoreApple Inc: SWOT Analysis590 Words   |  2 PagesApple Inc. SWOT SWOT Analysis Strengths Powerful Brand Name Innovation Efficient Supply Chain Customer Loyalty Weaknesses Supply Chain Environmental Problems Supply Chain Human Rights Issues Loss of Steve Jobs Opportunities New Revolutionary Product Increase market share Maintain Customer Loyalty Threats Intense Competition Negative Publicity Economic Downturn Discussion Apple Inc. has been dedicated to innovation ever since the company was first formed. Apples recent breakthroughsRead MoreSwot Analysis Of Apple Inc.914 Words   |  4 PagesHigher AVU Introduction: In this business report, I have decided to carry out a SWOT Analysis on Apple Inc. I have chosen to base this on Apple Inc., as they are a large-scale business in which many people have used or tested one of their products. I wanted to discover whether Apple Inc. is as good a business as people suggest. Research Methods: Throughout this report, I referred to both primary and secondary sources. My first and one of my main sources was a questionnaire; see appendix 2Read MoreSWOT Analysis of Apple Inc878 Words   |  4 PagesApple Inc. SWOT SWOT Analysis Strengths Strong Brand Name Innovative Culture Efficient Supply Chain High Customer Loyalty Weaknesses Supply Chain Environmental Problems Supply Chain Human Rights Issues Leadership/Loss of Steve Jobs Opportunities New Breakthrough Product Increase Market Share Maintain/Increase Customer Loyalty Threats Competitive Rivalry Negative Supply Chain Publicity Slow Economic Recovery Analysis Apple Inc. has prided itself on product innovation sinceRead MoreSwot Analysis Of Apple Inc.1898 Words   |  8 Pagesinvestigative study sets out to enact a SWOT analysis of Apple Inc. During the report I will discuss the current market position of Apple, it’s strengths and weaknesses going forward, as well as any potential opportunities or threats to it’s business model. It will culminate with an analysis of whether SWOT is an effective tool in helping a tech-giant such as Apple improve or update its business. Introduction: Defining and exploring SWOT Morrison (2011) defines ‘SWOT analysis is a familiar analytical toolRead MoreSwot Analysis for Apple Inc2110 Words   |  9 PagesSWOT Analysis on Apple Inc. Strengths Apple has a very strong and well recognised brand. All of Apple’s products have a very high level of brand awareness and are recognised in all of the markets in which it operates. The evidence of this high brand recognition and awareness can be found by taking a look at the at the sales figure and revenue that Apple generates, For example, the iPad managed to gross in about $5 billion and unit sales of about 7.5 million in 2010, going on to sell a furtherRead MoreCase Study : Management People Organization1294 Words   |  6 PagesKUMAR STUDENT ID - 11592203 SUBMITTED TO – RAMANATHAN R. INDEX ASSIGNMENT – 2 Introduction Introduction Strategic management – It is the set of action used to formulate and implements specific strategies (includes continues planning, monitoring, analysis and decision) that will achieve the competitively superior fit between the organization and environment, so as to achieve organizational the goals. Along with it, it is neces sary to rise the performance of an organization to its competitors, meansRead MoreSwot Analysis Of Apple Company s Management Team1380 Words   |  6 Pagesthe strengths and weaknesses of the entities. PEST and SWOT are the universally accepted approaches of making decision by managers (Jeynes, 2013). Examples of companies that utilize these tools are the Apple Company Inc. ideally; this is one of the international companies. Its operations get globally vested. This essay aims at assessing the usefulness and the limitations of SWOT and PEST use in Apple Company. The company’s management team of Apple Company dominantly uses these tools. They have their

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

New York Air Pollution free essay sample

College Social Network Information Literacy Dalina Jimenez 01/16/2013 Topic: New York Air Pollution Thesis Statement: Waste creates toxic gases that can diminish air quality, causing environmental damage and lowers human quality of life in New York City. By looking at the NYC Environmental protection, nyc. gov I found a broad information on how new yorkers are getting affected with the poor air quality, explaining the death statistics which contribute to a 6% of death annually. Million of proposals had been implemented for this problem. In 2007 Mayor Michael Bloomberg launched the PLANYC to improve the environment. This website talk about the causes for this problem like the smoke generated for the mass transits on this city. I believe this is a good web site because it is directly related to my topic. It explains how the city is working to improve the air quality and also provide strategies to keep it clean. This website is reliable because is nationally recognized and it was revised in this year 2013, also is a government website. We will write a custom essay sample on New York Air Pollution or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The nyc. ov has another articles to read and get informed about what the city is doing to resolve this environmental problem such a air pollutants in nyc, emission for transportation, emission for building and constructions, etc. I searched the encyclopedia Britannica to find what is causing this damage in the city and in the world and what really mean air pollution so I can understand how serious is the situation and why it is important to keep the air clean. I found an article explaining the different pollutants factors. These factors are different kind of fuel, waste, factories, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide and fine particulars. The six major air pollutants listed above have been designated by the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). This article is excellent because explain each of these factors and what mean clean air which is primarily of nitrogen and oxygen 78 percent and 21 percent respectively, by volume. The remaining 1 percent is a mixture of other gases, mostly argon. At the end, I found an article from Ebsco’s Academic Search Premier Database called â€Å"The Human Megacity†, in this article Mayor Bloomberg explained about his PLANYC, to make the city become more green, healthy, safe and efficiently. His intention is to keep New York City clean. References * Platt, R. H. (2009). The Humane Megacity. Environment, 51(4), 46-59. * air pollution. (2013). In Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved from http://www. britannica. com/EBchecked/topic/10772/air-pollution/286159/Ozone * Department of environmental conservation. (2013) chemical and pollution control. Retrieved from http://www. dec. ny. gov/25. html